Just Listening

Just Listening

Just Listening

JUST Listening fosters personal, organizational, and social change and transformation through the practice of conscious, intentional, compassionate, non-egoic and non-judgmental communication skills.

JUST Listening is premised upon the beliefs that:

  • Being heard empowers the speaker
  • People hold the solutions to their own problems within
  • Skilled listening is creative, opening up new possibilities for all involved, and
    can be
  • a powerful tool for personal and social change.
  • Although rarely consulted or listened to, people on the social margins are the best
  • source of information and ideas about the issues facing them.
  • Skilled listening is possible only when one is actively cultivating self-awareness
  • regular habits of reflection.

Help support the development of JUST Listening programming and volunteer projects that bring the practice of deep, relationship-based listening into prison and marginalized communities for personal and social transformation.